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MSE Community Collaborative case study features in national guidance

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  • MSE Community Collaborative case study features in national guidance
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The newly published NHS plan for improving long COVID services was published last week, sets out the framework for deploying the £90m committed by the NHS for long COVID services during the 2022/23 financial year.

The MSE Community Collaborative case study is presented on page 20, explaining “the NHS in mid and south Essex reach deep into communities to offer a proactive and preventative model of long COVID care.”

The model features as an example of best practice and highlights the great work our teams are undertaking. The case study continues: “the Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative have pioneered a successful outreach model to give residents in hard-to-reach areas access to high quality proactive and preventative care for post COVID syndrome and its symptoms.

An outreach van goes to communities to offer health checks and diagnostic tests in this mobile clinic for adults, children and young people, including blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation, spirometry and other tests for breathlessness, 6-lead electrocardiography. The team is also working with local teams to provide information on smoking cessation, social prescribing and local facilities.”

Click here to view the plan.

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