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Most Awarded Education Programme in England

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  • Most Awarded Education Programme in England
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The Sandford Award for Heritage Education was awarded last week for the eighth time to Holdenby House, Northamptonshire, making Holdenby the most awarded Heritage Education Programme in the UK.

Chris Green from the Heritage Education Trust was at Holdenby to give the award on behalf of the Directors of the Heritage Education Trust. Speaking about Holdenby, Mr Green said, “Such sustained success is a brilliant accomplishment reflecting the outstanding work of sharing this unique and significant house with the community and its schools. The first-hand experiences provided are quite splendid, engineered by remarkable staff and volunteers.”

Over a quarter of a million children have now participated in the nationally recognised living history programmes. They include being a servant in a Victorian household, tan evacuee in the second World War, meeting King Charles I or Queen Elizabeth or even Beatrix Potter. Children learn by doing at Holdenby with programmes in costume, in the house and grounds, and all with hands-on activities.

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