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Dr Vin Diwakar, Medical Director for Secondary Care and Transformation at NHS England visits Mid and South Essex services

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  • February
  • Dr Vin Diwakar, Medical Director for Secondary Care and Transformation at NHS England visits Mid and South Essex services
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Dr Diwakar provides clinical leadership to London’s health system, focusing on delivering the NHS’s national and regional strategies. He was one of the Senior Responsible Officers who developed proposals for the NHS Long Term Plan, on prevention and health inequalities. He is leading the development of the clinical strategy for London. He and his team are the clinical leaders for urgent, integrated and emergency care, primary care, prevention and reducing inequalities, and improving cancer outcomes.

Dr Diwakar visited Mid and South Essex on Tuesday 31st Jan and was greeted by Stephanie Dawe, CEO at Provide Health and part of the leadership team for The Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative, and Ronan Fenton, Medical Director for The Mid and South Essex Integrated Care System. Met by Alex Lambert, who works for the Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative All Aged Long Covid Team, Dr Diwakar was shown around the community respiratory van and informed how services are being taken to communities and people who find it difficult to otherwise access the service. Alex said: “The van has been such an amazing benefit to communities, who can gain a better understanding of respiratory issues, including the signs and symptoms of Long Covid and how to be referred into the service for treatment. It has had such a positive impact on people.” Dr Diwakar said, “The work that colleagues in mid and south Essex are doing with the respiratory van has considerable potential to reduce health inequalities based on the data driven approach to population health.”

Hear more from Alex about the Long Covid services in this short video:
For more information about Long Covid
Please click here

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