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Breathe easy this winter – join in with #Scarfie

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This winter, health professionals across mid and south Essex will be encouraging people with respiratory conditions to stay well by joining in with the new #Scarfie campaign launching in December.

More than 93,000 people across our area in mid and south Essex have asthma and COPD – a lung condition that causes difficulty with breathing. Cold air is a common asthma trigger and can make health worse.

We want to encourage as many people as possible to stay well when temperatures drop this winter. One simple tip is to wear a scarf loosely across your mouth, this warms up air before you breathe it in and can help people with asthma and other lung conditions.

#Scarfie, an Asthma UK campaign, encourages people to take a selfie wearing a scarf and share this simple tip widely with friends and loved ones.

Below are some ways you might want to wear your #Scarfie from Asthma UK. For more information about staying well this winter click here and further tips for good self-care can be found here.

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